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Heart of the Planet, Quartz

SKU: VTT0003 | 5400 Total Views

1 pcs
Classification   Quartz (Variety.Praseolite)

Location  Bangkok Thailand

Shape  Fancy

Approx. Weight  57.05 Carats

Approx. Dimensions 1.00 x 1.00 x 1.00 mm

Depth Percentage 100.00%

Owner's Description  

Heart of the Planet, Quartz:

Cut by world master cutter "Mr.Victor Tuzlukov".

            A man stood on the edge of the crater looking into the abyss. The volcano was sleeping, but its dream was uneasy, with trembling and sighs of hot steam. The man felt its anxiety. What has happened to you? He asked his thoughts and he was surprised to hear the answer: I fear!

Do you fear? But what do you fear?

            You. Terrible lava boiling in me – is just a pale and rough shadow of that invisible Everlasting Fire, the heart of the planet is full of. Its vital might is huge and it huge and its destroying power is great. And today the Planet is ill. Numerous microbes, bustling around its surface, mutilate its body with ulcers of mines and open pits, poison its blood in arteries of rivers, upset the balance of micro flora without mercy. When such interference assumes dangerous magnitude, it evokes appropriate response. The history keeps records about rejection by organism of the Earth of entire continents affected by cancer tumours of lie and anger, envy and cruelty. But today this danger is global. The heart of the Planet calls for help. Listen to it, Man!


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